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Wuthering Heights Bronte Emily

Wuthering Heights Bronte Emily

HarperCollins Publishers

Двічі клацніть на зображенні для перегляду в повному розмірі


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  • HarperCollins Publishers

Додати відгук

ISBN: 9780007350810

Автор книги: Bronte Emily

Видавництво: HarperCollins Publishers

Сторінок: 464

Мова: англійська

Обкладинка: М'яка

150,00 грн.
Коротка інформація
Set on the bleak moors of Yorkshire, Lockwood is forced to seek shelter at Wuthering Heights, the home of his new landlord, Heathcliff. The intense and wildly passionate Heathcliff tells the story of his life, his all-consuming love for Catherine Earnshaw and the doomed outcome of that relationship, leading to his revenge. Poetic, complex and grand in its scope, Emily Bronte s masterpiece is considered one of the most unique gothic novels of its time.
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